Second Life allows you to imitate real life in a virtual setting. Basically its a fake world that holds no bearing in your daily life. Instead of accomplishing real things that could benefit your "first life" you can spend real money to buy "clothes" which will enhance your playing experience.
This entire idea seems far fetched to me and for the most part completely useless. However two articles shifted my perspective on the idea. In Learning in Second Life: Virtual Education by Randall Hand, and Virtual world, real money in 'Second Life' by Grace Patuwo, sheds light on how Second Life could be vital to education.
Although it doesn't seem like it pertains to real life it could be used to teach by letting people from all over come together and interact almost as if they were in real life. It can also teach people about things they wouldn't be exposed to because of travel restraints.
If Second Life is able to incorporate more ways of teaching at affordable rates I believe it could be used but I would say that Second Life should not be a primary option as it doesn't contribute to your real life.

You said it best with your title. I mean I wasn't brave enough to say it but I'm glad you were honest enough to call it like it really is. And I agree with you, Second Life should not be a primary option. Have we forgotten about the capabilities of Blackboard already?