With Online Collaboration, that question is becoming more and more of a reality.
In the article, " Students Discovering Online Collaboration" by Kristen Alloway, online collaboration has been steadily incorporated into elementary and high school classes.
I think it is really important for children to be learning about these new technologies because it is going to be used once they get to college and eventually when they get a job. Schools need to incorporate online collaboration so that when the technology advances further students aren't left behind the learning curve.
In the article, "Corporate Culture. Not Technology, Drives Online Collaboration" by Will Kelly, Kelly touches upon note that is important to the previous article. He states
"...the organizations I saw excel at online collaboration and remote working had a very technical savvy employee base"In order to be good at online collaborating, you need to be familiar with it. If students can learn how to collaborate with others as early as the first grade they will be comfortable doing it as they are older.
If you want to be good at something, it is best to know how to do it but also be able to do it in practice. I could read how to play football but if I never throw one then I'm going to be at a huge disadvantage on a field. Educating students early by letting them practice will give them a huge advantage when they try to do it in their workplace.

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